#TheGreatDebate: Is Cookie Butter really that great?
Every time I hear a conversation between someone going to the Mainland and someone who isn’t, it goes something like this: “You’re going to Vegas?” “Yeah.” “When?” “I’m leaving next week.” “You… Read More
#CatTravels: Food tour of Seattle — and more
One of the other reasons I came to Seattle was to visit my girlfriend, Chris, who moved here a couple of years ago. A trip to see her was long overdue. We… Read More
#VegasGirls: First full day
I woke up Friday morning and wondered, “Am I really in Vegas?” It had been quite an ordeal getting here — and we were planning on making every moment count. On the agenda… Read More
Vegas, here we come!
It’s been four years since I’ve been to Vegas, and I still can’t believe it’s been so long. There was a time — oh, when the University of Hawaii women’s volleyball team played… Read More