The last time I went to Japan I ate so much I swore I had gained at least 10 pounds.
Turns out, when I hopped on the scale at the gym, I had actually lost weight.
It didn’t make sense.
I told a few friends who all said, “Yeah, it’s all the walking you did.”
But I can’t imagine how walking can really burn off the massive amount of calories I consume when I’m traveling. And here I was, in Paris, among boulangerie and patisserie, surrounded by maracons and croissants, with real butter and real milk and the kind of hot chocolate you have to eat with a spoon.
How in the world was I going to eat all this food and not come home and buy an entirely new wardrobe?
Maybe walking would work.
So we spent an entire day on our feet, walking instead of catching the metro, and we ate every step of the way.
Here’s what we ate — and what we saw — as we walked the streets of Paris:
La Brasserie du Louvre
Follow my #CatTravels adventures in Europe and Japan on Twitter @thedailydish or on Instagram @catherinetoth.
1. You’re part-Japanese (good genetics)
2. You’re active (surf and walk a lot)
3. You eat a lot, keeping your metabolism active
It’s when you stop eating and exercising as actively as you do that it may become a concern as far as weight is concerned. Then again, maybe not, with the Japanese blood. 😉
Yes, but my Portuguese blood runs STRONG. 🙂
It makes a bunch of sense that you two ate as much as you both did. Walking 3.5 miles isn’t exactly a short distance. Heck, I know of people that wouldn’t walk 3.5 blocks, forget about 3.5 miles. With the rest of the walking you two did, it would not surprise me at all if you lost weight, rather than gained.
Going through your pics, I thought that I’d love return to Paris and see and experience the exact same things you two did. That is of course, until I saw the pic and read that you folks ran across the roundabout to get to the Arc de Triomphe. I think I’ll just stick to the underground passage. I have no desire to be a frog and play a real life game of Frogger! 🙂 Thankfully though, this is Paris, and not London, UK, or else your instinct to “look left then right” could prove to be your downfall, since everything there is the reverse of what we’re used to.
No, you MUST run across the street! I’m telling you, it was a thrill! My only regret is that I didn’t videotape it. It only took a few seconds, but it was a breathtaking few, for sure!
CAT: Aaaiiiyyyaaahhh! Fuud Pix! Tenks! What!? no wine??? Sacre Bleu, you are in France!!!
You know, I kept forgetting you can drink in public in France. I won’t make that mistake again!
Hi Cat,
I know exactly what you mean. After my trip to NYC and eating all the yummy cheesecake, pizza, pasta, etc, I thought for sure I had gained weight too. But I guess because of all the brisk walking we did, I had lost a few.pounds too.
Thanks for sharing your European jaunt. I am looking forward to reading about your adventure in Japan.
Ca you viisit Greece so that I can live vicariously through you? :o)
I’d LOVE to go to Greece! Maybe next year. I still haven’t been to Italy — and I will just DIE eating all the food there.
Love all the pictures and food alore! I had to take my diabetes pill after the 45th picture!
LOL, I know what you mean. I think I was on a sugar overload!
Lovely pics and thanks! Paris and Amsterdam have moved up as a result of your blogging about them. Very cool places to go it seems. Paris!
Me, too. I already miss it. 🙁
Thanks for sharing your pics.
Looking forward to your next posts.
Aw, thanks 🙂
Hello Cat!
I think I gained a few pounds just looking at all the fuud!
Can you imagine how much I’ve gained?!?!?! YIKES!
I love keeping up with your blog—especially the pictures!
But is there anyway you can put your slideshows at the top of your post so you don’t have to scroll down the page each time you look at the next picture?
Safe travels!
I just texted my tech friend about it — and realized it’s 3:11 a.m. back home! WHOOPS! But I’ll check on it. Thanks!
Love ur blog, especially all the food pics! I’m curious to know what kind of shoes u were wearing on this full day of walking. I can never find comfortable shoes for trips/days like these where u’re on ur feet all day. Thanks!!
I’m wearing Toms, actually. I didn’t even have to break them in!