I consider myself pretty adventurous.
I’ll try almost anything, from interesting appetizers to funky nail polish to inverted roller coasters (though I’ll do that only once).
But there are a few things I won’t do. Never. Not even if you paid me.
One of those things is bungee jumping.
I can’t see the fun in jumping — willingly! — from a bridge or crane or some unsafe structure with just an elastic cord strapped to my ankles. What’s the thrill is free-falling into a gorge, staring death in the face, then flying back upwards, then back down again, until the energy dissipates — and you’re lower back and neck are permanently tweaked.
No. I won’t do it.
And yeah, I saw that woman — Frances Gabe, a colon cancer survivor — who celebrated her 91st birthday with a bungee jump at the Big Fresno Fair yesterday. But even she admits it’s not for everyone.
And it’s certainly not for me.
Is there something you absolutely will not do, not even for money?
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I will never, ever, eat liver! Echhh! Just the smell of that foul internal organ disgusts me. “Try it with onions”, they say. Yeah right…anything to disguise that foul taste. I’ll put the onions on my hamburger thank you! Ok, time for my morning coffee….
Mmmm… I looooove liver! I was lucky as the only member of my family to to like it, I always got the livers when a chicken was for dinner!
But I know, it’s not for everyone… or is for very few rather, LOL!
I think my distaste for this organ meat started when I was a young’n and my mom forced us to eat it. “It tastes like steak’, she said. She lied…I gagged on it from the first bite as did the rest of my siblings.
Liver is such a weird thing… My grandma used to love liver and onions. I remember not knowing what liver was when I was a kid — and when I found out, I wouldn’t touch it!
But if someone paid me…
I refuse to have sex with Paris Hilton.
Even for money?
No. Not even for money. Bungee yes, Paris no.
Hello Cat, I would like to try Sky Diving.
See, I could do sky-diving, but not bungee jumping. I think it’s a different sensation. Though I’m worried about getting motion sickness sky-diving. My girlfriend just did it for her birthday and she said once she pulled the parachute and was just floating there, she started to get sick. That doesn’t sound appealing.
Never say never
but I’m 99% sure I’ll never watch an episode of “Jersey Shore”
I’d watch it for money, fo’ shua!
So with you on the bungee jumping!
Right? There’s something just so… so… freaking about it.
Well, the only way I can put it is you’re really not staring death in the face as you are tethered, you just have to get that notion out of your head. Man has always envied winged creatures since the beginning of our time here on earth… I can’t think of another way to experience that feeling for as low of a cost and logistics involved other than bungee jumping. Even sky diving costs more.
I’m pretty uninhibited though and have almost no fear of heights, I’m actually thrilled by heights, so maybe I’m the weird one, LOL!
Have you done it??
No, I haven’t. But I’ve always had it on my bucket list… Hey, this year is a s good as any. Maybe the next opportunity to do so I will.
I have done things that I consider to be waaaaaay more dangerous than bungee jumping, (and frankly pretty stupid as well–I mean really stupid, haha), when heights are involved. Not so much anymore now that I’m in my 40s. My agility ain’t what it used to be as I would need it to bail me out of trouble.
If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve. I would rather eat liver while bungee jumping with Paris Hilton than run for public office. I am glad some people are willing, wise, and honest enough to serve well. Not this guy.
Well said. 🙂
Hey Cat: … when I think of it … it’s hard to think of something I wouldn’t do for money … so pathetic, huh? … but I guess everyone has a price …
… if it’s something I would not willingly do … the list is huge …
… I would not streak across the field at a crowded soccer game or any sport …
… I would not tattoo or pierce my face or neck … and definitely would not pierce my nipples or any other unmentionable part of my body …
… and I will not eat anything raw … except for vegetables …
I’m terrified of skiing/snowboarding…I’ve done it, but I really can’t seem myself going down anything but the baby-est baby slopes…I’m so scared of running into rocks and trees, or off cliffs…
…however, I LOVE canyon jumping, which is an alternative to bungee. Instead of a straight drop down, you free fall for a few seconds before swinging through a canyon. You can see what it looked like for me here!: https://australistales.blogspot.com/2009/03/swung-into-canyon-and-lived-to-tell.html
But you love canyon jumping………………?
OK, this I HAVE to check out!
I’m not into thrill sports so bungee jumping, parachuting, base jumping are all out.
where’s the picture from? it kinda looks like a river I fish sometimes. I know some outfits do jumps off of a bridge over that river so it could be the same one.
As far as I’m concerned, all of this (for me) boils down to one thing….show me the MONEY!! Throw enough money on the table, and I’ll do practically anything.
On the other hand, without the cash, there’s a lot of things I would not do: from eating various foods, to engaging in various activities, such as bungee jumping. I have no fear of heights; however, I have no desire to experience what it’s like to be a human yoyo by bungee jumping.
I also have no desire to go base jumping either. Frankly, I’m not sure I understand the desire for base jumping. It seems to me that once you’ve jumped, you’ve got just a few seconds to deploy the ‘chute, then coast back to Earth. The whole thing is over with in just a few minutes. I’d much rather try skydiving or hang gliding, at least then I’ll have a bit more time to enjoy the view.