The other day NBC’s “Today” asked the question: “Who would you choose: your sweetheart or your pet?”
And even me, a die-hard pet owner, was surprised by the results of the online poll.
An whopping 84.5 percent of respondents — and there were hundreds! — said they would pick their pets over their mates.
Here were some of the comments:
Pets give you unconditional love and will be there until death, but the minute you’re of no use to people or start looking ugly, you’re SOL!
Men have come and gone, but my bulldogs are here to stay! They are ALWAYS loyal and give unconditional love!
I recently had a ‘sweetheart’ who ‘encouraged’ me to give up my collie. I kept the one who offered unconditional love.
I have to admit, it’s a tough question. I would question the intentions of any guy who asked me to choose between him and my pooches. (It’s not like my dogs would do that.)
It’s like anything else when it comes to relationships: things have to fit. And for some, that may mean a life with dogs (or cats or rats or whatever). We shouldn’t have to sacrifice so much in our lives to be with anyone.
At least that’s what I think.
Anyone else got an opinion? Anyone had to make this decision?
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Pets are family members. Mates had better figure out a way to live in harmony.
If you tally pluses and minuses, and don’t need the second income, the pet usually wins. If the mate is contributing financially in a meaningful way, it may be a toss-up.
what? this is a question? short of severe allergies or constant attacks on the partner, the pet is part of heart, home and lifestyle and STAYS.
ME: hey Inez , if you had to choose between keeping me or keeping a dog, which would you choose? INEZ: what kind of dog?
Definitely I’d choose the dog. The ONLY possible compromise would be regarding how many nights the pet could sleep on our bed……
According to urban legend, Earnest Hemingway’s beloved cat–given by an old sailing ship’s captain–sat near the typewriter each day during the writing of “Old Man and the Sea.” Even now, after 50 years of numerous iffy deaths and suicides in the Hemingway family, 50 of her descendants reside at his mansion in Key West, supposedly as folk lore enticements for tourists (actually, stipulated in his will) and, I’m telling you all this, seemingly, for the simple reason of….what?
I know someone who recently ended a relationship–amicably–and this former couple lived with two dogs. Apparently both of them were close enough to the pets to set up the equivalent of “visitation rights”, i.e. taking them out out weekends etc. Guess the dogs are the equivalent of their kids!