The other day I went for a run at Ala Moana Beach Park. When I came back to my car, I found this feather right outside my door.
I instantly felt chills up my spine.
It reminded me of a story someone once told me about finding the tail feather of the ‘iwa bird, or great frigate bird, legendary in the Islands. The story goes that when these ominous black birds fly over land, it means someone’s going to die.
I’ve heard the birds have to circle three times; I’ve heard it drops its tail feather on the person going to die. Either way, it gave me quite a scare.
And today is Halloween.
So I thought it would be appropriate to share your spookiest story. Have you witnessed Night Marchers or fell victim to the choking ghosts? Have you seen spirits in the trees or heard those mysterious bumps in the night?
Share your best story here!
I’ll probably read them tomorrow. During the day. 🙂
Happy Halloween! The story i’m going to tell is the scariest thing that ever happened to me. The year was 2004, my husband and I took our first trip to Japan. We were heading to Takayama to spend the night. As we approached the hotel our tour guide asked if anyone wanted to upgrade to a Tatami room for 10,000 yen. I was the first to respond and was so excited. We checked in, ate a fabulous dinner than had our first experience bathing in an onsen. We went back to our room and the futons were all laid out on the floor. I love the sound the tatami makes when you walk across it.
We went to sleep and sometime during the night i was awakened by the sound of someone walking on the Tatami floor, its kinda a swish swish sound. I figured my husband had gotten up to use the bathroom. At that moment I heard him snore and realized he was fast asleep, that was when I felt a cold chill walk thru me and something grabbed my legs and pulled. I screamed so loud, I must have woken up the whole hotel. I kept my eyes closed because I was too scared to see what it was. Suddenly “it” released my legs and the cold chill went away.
I sure got more than I bargained for!
Her screamed scared me!
I had another experience this past summer which was not scary but I still think about it. I was messing around on my stand up paddle board in the shallow water at Magic Island. This little boy, around 3 years old came up and started swimming around me. I asked him where his parents were and he just gazed at me. What I found unusual is that most kids want to climb on or touch my board but he would just swim under and around it. I tried talking to him but he would just give me this strange gaze. I paddled off but kept my eye on him. It started to get dark and I wondered where his parents were. I noticed he kept gazing out into the ocean. My husband was waving me in from the other side of the beach so I finally went in. I sometimes wonder if he was just a victim of negligent parents or was he a spirit of a little boy that had drowned there.
I once got a call from the IRS…
Back in (CCAC Oakland CA) college days, being all dressed up in a funny flamboyant costume to go to an arts ‘n laughs theme halloween party… I was walking to some pals house around the corner to ride there with them, in their car. But Simba kept blocking my way and WOULD NOT let me go on my way even when I tried an approach from the other direction. This was so alien to that wonderful cat’s usual behavior – she was in my path on her back roaring, tripping me up & clawing at my dress & meeting my gaze, meowing “LISTEN TO ME ! STAY HOME !” that, once I Got It… oh, well. So I stayed home, instead of going to a great party with brilliant hilarious friends. Nothing happened at home that night, ho hum. When none of these pals were at school the next morning (kicking myself for letting a cat boss me around) I figured (grrrrr! oh well!) they were all still madly carousing out in the country. But no. Later that day, I heard the news they’d been in a terrible car crash on the way home and happily they’d all survived but were hospitalized and banged up badly. The car was totalled especially by the empty seat in the back – which might’ve been mine had Simba allowed me to proceed on my way, the night before.