When I first visited the fishpond in Heeia years ago, I couldn’t believe the work ahead.
The hundreds-years-old fishpond located in Kaneohe was overgrown with mangrove, an introduced plant whose roots grow into the wall and loosen the rocks and corals. Invasive algae — particularly gracilaria salicornia (gorilla ogo) was growing rampant in the pond.
This wasn’t good.
But the nonprofit Paepae O Heeia has made huge progress in the restoration of the 88-acre fishpond. Much of the mangrove is now cut back and the wall is more than halfway completed. (The moi, though, died due to a spike in the water temperature.)
It was utterly impressive.
But ask anyone who works there and they’ll credit the help of volunteers. Many hands working together. That’s power.
Here’s what a recent work day with the staff looked like:
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Interested in helping out? Come down on Saturday, March 26 to participate in a community work day, held twice a month. Volunteers are needed from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (lunch is included) to remove mangrove and rebuild the seawall. Call (808) 236-6178 to make reservations or for more information.
Mahalo for sharing, Cat! Let’s get you in a lo‘i! 🙂
Mahalo for sharing, Cat! Let’s get you in a lo‘i! 🙂
I went to the fishpond once on a huaka‘i to help clean and it was an awesome experience. I think they do a monthly community clean-up and could use hands!
I went to the fishpond once on a huaka‘i to help clean and it was an awesome experience. I think they do a monthly community clean-up and could use hands!
@johngarcia Definitely! They could use donations, too, like 5-gallon buckets with good handles.
@johngarcia Definitely! They could use donations, too, like 5-gallon buckets with good handles.
@Kamehameha Schools YES! WHEN?!
@Kamehameha Schools YES! WHEN?!
awesome. i’ve always wondered abt the fish ponds i’ve seen while flying over coastlines of various islands but have never seen one up close or understood how they worked. what’s ‘grueling’ work? hauling rocks, scraping off algae?
awesome. i’ve always wondered abt the fish ponds i’ve seen while flying over coastlines of various islands but have never seen one up close or understood how they worked. what’s ‘grueling’ work? hauling rocks, scraping off algae?
awesome. i’ve always wondered abt the fish ponds i’ve seen while flying over coastlines of various islands but have never seen one up close or understood how they worked. what’s ‘grueling’ work? hauling rocks, scraping off algae?
awesome. i’ve always wondered abt the fish ponds i’ve seen while flying over coastlines of various islands but have never seen one up close or understood how they worked. what’s ‘grueling’ work? hauling rocks, scraping off algae?
@nonstopmari Hauling rocks, especially in the buckets across that small makeshift wall. Really works the traps!
@nonstopmari Hauling rocks, especially in the buckets across that small makeshift wall. Really works the traps!
Paepae O Heeia – good on them. wetlands and transitional waterways are among the most endangered places on the planet.
Paepae O Heeia – good on them. wetlands and transitional waterways are among the most endangered places on the planet.
@Cat Will let you know ASAP! Let’s get hawai and bytemarks in the lo’i as well!
@Cat Will let you know ASAP! Let’s get hawai and bytemarks in the lo’i as well!
@Cat Will let you know ASAP! Let’s get hawaii and bytemarks in the lo’i as well!
@Cat Will let you know ASAP! Let’s get hawaii and bytemarks in the lo’i as well!
@Kamehameha Schools @Cat hawaii bytemarks Sounds like good muddy fun!
@Kamehameha Schools @Cat hawaii bytemarks Sounds like good muddy fun!
I’m all in! Let’s do this!
I’m all in! Let’s do this!