Ever since getting married a month ago, people — even complete strangers — have offered their best advice for a happy marriage.
I’ve heard everything from keep separate bank accounts to keep your last name. The most frequently doled-out advice, of course, has been this: “Happy wife, happy life.” Hmm. I’d have to agree. (smile)
I browsed a few websites recently, looking for some interesting tips. One woman told her daughter to take golf lessons so she could hit the course with her husband. Another said plan “My Turn” nights with the remote control so both the husband and wife could watch what they wanted on TV. (I say get separate TVs!)
I like this one: “Before I said ‘I do,’ my mom (who’s been married to my dad for 55 years) told me to take out a piece of paper and write down the top three things that bugged me about my husband-to-be. Then she told me to forget the things on that list and forgive him for not being flawless. Once you make a commitment this big, she explained, you can’t let petty things get in the way. In our eight years of marriage, my husband and I have had two kids, tackled cross-country moves and started two businesses — and so far, so great.”
If only I could narrow that list down to three…
(Just kidding.)
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
Expect change and move with it. Things will always be changing for good and bad, you need to learn to accept and/or adapt to it. Best thing our pastor told us during counseling.
Nurture yourselves as individuals. A happy marriage requires people who are, first, happy on their own.
Also, communicate well and have lots of fun together. Life only gets more hectic as you add a mortgage, bills, kids, retirement, etc. to the mix. It’s so important to remain committed and in sync, and over time, that takes effort, even in the best of marriages.
“Effective” Communication
Definitely separate TVs.
“When the Queen is happy, the kingdom is happy.”
Have a great life you two!
Hello Cat,
Communication,understanding each others wants and needs and supporting each other.
One more thing, Derek, just say yes dear all the time… 🙂
Ignore what bugs you. Don’t expect him to meet all your needs — that’s what your girlfriends and mother are for. Get over yourself. Give compliments whenever they occur to you. Say yes MOST of the time 😉
Take care of your money.
Accept his flaws just as he accepts yours!
Repeat after me…
“Yes, dear…”
“You’re right, dear…”
“It will never happen again…”
After 15 years of marriage it still works for me.
Enough extra bedding (pillows, blankets, comforters, etc) that neither one can hog all of them.
live by the golden rule, in marriage especially! whatever you expect of your husband, you should expect of yourself. oh, and that mars and venus thing… it’s true! ;o) lol.