It’s hard when guests aren’t comfortable in front of the camera. It puts a lot of pressure on me, the host, to get them talking and laughing.
That wasn’t my problem this week.
Our pal, comedian Augie Tulba (@AUGIET), isn’t shy. At all. In fact, the only problem we did have — if you could even call it a problem — was keeping him on track. He completely took over the show!
Augie stopped by Cafe & Tea Parlor (@cafeteaparlor) at the Mission Houses Museum to talk about, among other things, his new comedy show, “Augie’s Garage,” on OC16 premiering Aug. 15. But that all but 30 seconds. The rest — five minutes or so — was him talking about everything from the economy to Osama bin Laden.
I’m not kidding.]
Here’s the trailer for “Augie’s Garage,” which premieres on OC16 on Aug. 15.
Let’s help Augie get to 2,500 followers on Twitter! Details to come!
Funny stuff! reminds me of when Robin Williams used to be funny back in the day,and go on Letterman and the like, and just kill. Spontaneous combustion of pure comical genius. Thanks for da laughs.
You look all gangstah Cat! Skeddah you!
good thing I’m all alone in the office today. that was pretty hilarious
Cat: Aisoooos! He said da U-word! Haha, no worry it means pretty flower! 😉