The other day I was in the restroom at a restaurant and heard the woman in the next stall talking.
And not to me.
She was, I figured out, talking on her cell phone.
It was such a strange experience — even for me as an innocent participant in this. I mean, I didn’t want to flush for fear of “outing” this woman, who was casually chatting on her iPhone like she was lounging in her living room.
I’ll admit: I’ve walked into the bathroom still on the phone. But I wouldn’t go into full restroom action with someone on the other end listening. That’s just rude — and gross.
But why? We don’t seem to mind people talking in restrooms. Why is it different if that conversation is taking place on a mobile device?
Probably because we suspect the person on the other end doesn’t know where the caller is — or what those strange sounds are. And we feel awkward, not just for us, but for that unsuspecting person on the line.
The bathroom should be a private space — even if it’s a public restroom. I’m not going to subject others to my bathroom antics — and neither should you.
What do you think?
Velton's Coffee
Days left: 22
Velton's Coffee
Price: $15 to $22 for a 1-pound bag (cheaper for smaller bags) at
The gist: Velton's Coffee Roasting Co. is a small quality-oriented wholesale coffee roastery located in Everett, Wash. All of the coffee is roasted in small batches, hand-blended and quickly packaged and shipped to you. You get high-quality, super fresh beans — and you're supporting small, independent roasters like Velton's. (The owner, Velton Ross (@veltonscoffee), is active on Twitter, too.)
Best for: Really particular coffee drinkers, bosses, office grab bags
WHAT? its your duty to flush and put a stop to this outrageous nonsense.Flatuence would be even better. These people must focus on the job at hand….so to speak.
It’s disgusting! I was in a stall once and the guy next to me was chatting away on his phone. I fulshed not once but three times just to “pi$$” him off. I think it worked because he excused himself and hung up the phone.
I’ve seen it happen twice. Guys yakking on their cells in the stalls, next thing, KERSPLASH, they accidently drop their phones in the toilet, and have to fish it out
Too funny.
Yacking on the phone in the toilet is nuts… Maybe a Meg Ryan imitation would be in order. ‘Oh Yes…’ Think the phone would be hung up pretty quick and a lot of explaining would have to take place when someone got home…. Think I’d like to see that scene in a movie. Maybe have Christina Applegate in the lead role.
Hello Cat, I would think you could tell if someone is calling from a bathroom by just the way it kinda echos.
Hey Cat: … guilty … haha, well sorta …
… I’m sure we’ve all been in a stall when our phone rings … and like most people would, I’ll ignore it … ’cause heck, they can wait a few minutes til I’m done right? … well, that depends …
… because there was at least one time when I really, really need to pick up the phone … not quite an emergency, but let’s just say I could not ignore that call … so I did pick up the phone … but not to chat … just to say I was in the bathroom and would be out in five minutes …
… I might have faced some consequence if I didn’t pick up … so I didn’t really care where I was at the moment …
… *sigh* … I am such a weenie …
I do it. I won’t talk to just anybody, but my hubby, my mom, my sister — yep, sure. I’d use the bathroom in the same room as them anyway, and usually we’re just checking in, not having a deep, mind-boggling conversation. It’s not like it’s all that noisy an experience (for me), anyway. 🙂
Life’s busy and I think it’s better, and safer, talking on the toilet than talking or texting while driving. At least you’re not risking any lives.
I need both hands for any bathroom-related activity and since I don’t own a hands-free device, it’s not practical for me to use the phone in the loo. But even if I did, I wouldn’t want to subject the person on the line to the symphony of odious sounds reverberating about. But that’s just me.
Something is gawd awful about the 2 guys pee-ing next to each other in the urinals. It’s an urwritten rule, almost mandatory to never stand next to your fellow pee-er when there are other open urinals. Spacing, it’s all about the spacing.
One way to dodge the bullet when talking on the cell phone in the john… No need to admit it to the person you are talking to. Especially if it’s your boss, purposely let out some gas (the loud kind). Just blame it on the person next to you. Your boss will get a good laugh and you’ve earned yourself some merit by working through your “break”.
Good topic!
Read a report the other day that researches found traces of human feces on 20% of iphones. I never borrow anyone else’s phone.