Born and raised on O‘ahu, Hawaiʻi, Catherine Toth Fox has been chronicling her adventures in her blog, The Cat Dish, for more than a decade. She worked as a newspaper reporter in Hawai‘i for 10 years and continues to freelance—in between teaching journalism, hitting the surf and eating everything in sight—for national and local print and online publications. She’s currently the editor of HAWAIʻI Magazine.
as they say over at Odds&Ends; F I R S T !!!!
Hey, where’s your avatar?! How do I know you’re the real turk fontaine?
Great pic Cat….I wonder which one went to bed first
Probably Sunny. Indy tends to invade her space — and it pisses her off like you wouldn’t believe.
My girls (dogs) used to cuddle when they were puppies. Now that they’re a year old, they like their space from each other!
oooooh if Indy farts Sunny is gonna be PISSED!!! hahahahahahaha!
Doh…if Indy farts Sunny is gonna be PISSED!!!