A friend of mine is helping her friend find a lost pooch. Maybe you’ve seen her?
This is Bella, a 6-pound chihuahua/terrier mix who last seen last Sunday around 5 p.m. on Anoi Road in Kaneohe. She ran away from her dog-sitter the day before in the housing area across from Castle High School. Her fur is white and coarse and she’s very friendly with people and other animals.
Spread the word! There’s a reward, too!
This is why my GF and I are afraid to leave my girls with anyone else. Sitters don’t seem to take the extra, extra precaution to keep them from getting away… Not saying that this sitter was guilty of that, just in general I have that fear.
Hope they find her. It would break my heart for one of mine to go missing! Wished I lived on that side, I’d go out looking.
I know what you mean. I didn’t feel that way when I left my dogs with my friends the first time. But Sunny did manage to escape once. Luckily, she wanted to come back to the house, so she didn’t venture far. But it’s scary!
I remember this woman came to the dog park, frantically looking for a missing dog. She was the dogsitter. And the owners were coming home that night. Oh, boy.
some good can come of social media. Now to get the word out about Cat’s circle of missing and found dogs. Beats posting bills on trees and telephone poles…..”The Cat App,” anyone?…..
Actually in Kaneohe they do have posting on telephone poles to help find Bella and she’s also listed on Craigslist. 🙂 I hope they find her.
I saw the listing on Craigslist, too. Sad. I really hope the family finds her…